Firm’s Internal resources to help work development and innovation creative of printing industry in Bangkok and perimeter area

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Kidsana Hongwijit
Boonsom Ratsameechot


The purposes of this research were 1) To study current condition of internal resources of firm for working development in printing industry in Bangkok and perimeter area 2) To study current condition of internal resources of firm for creating firm’s innovation in printing industry in Bangkok and perimeter area. This qualitative research used in depth interview from management of printing company in Bangkok and perimeter area. The result shows internal resources for printing company are Employee Training, effective communication, suitable working method, proper machine, capital and suitable technology. Internal resources for work developing are process of resources reducing, process of mistaken reduction, automatic working and quality of product. Internal resources for creating firm’s innovation is system automatically.

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How to Cite
Hongwijit, K., & Ratsameechot, B. . (2021). Firm’s Internal resources to help work development and innovation creative of printing industry in Bangkok and perimeter area. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(3), 87–96. retrieved from


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