Economic factors related to the exchange rate of Thai bath against the Euro currencies

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Panwadee Lerdloompheephan


This research aims to study the Economic factors related to the exchange rate of Thai bath against the Euro currencies from the foreign exchange rate model. Interbank Interest Rate, Current Account, Inflation Rate, Foreign exchange reserves, capital flows, the value of exports of Thailand - the European Union as the variables in this study. Using monthly secondary data from January, 2005 until December, 2019, a total of 180 months in total were analyzed by the quantitative analysis. Research instrument was employed Multiple Regression with Ordinary Least Square Method. The result found that the interbank rate had the relationship in the opposite direction of Thai Bath exchange rate between the Euro currency by significant statistical. The Interbank Interest Rate and Foreign exchange reserves were the factor that affected exchange rates between Thai Bath against Euro currency by significant statistical. The other factors included the current account, capital flows and the export value of goods of Thailand to the European Union were factors which were not affect exchange rates between the Thai Baht against the Euro currency by significant statistic.

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How to Cite
Lerdloompheephan, P. . (2021). Economic factors related to the exchange rate of Thai bath against the Euro currencies. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 126–136. retrieved from


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