Relationship among strategic leadership role, product Innovation and business networking toward competitive advantage of small enterprises in the upper northern region

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Patteera Somsong


This research aims to study 1)The role of strategic leadership. Product innovation Business alliances and competitive advantages of SMEs 2)The relationship between strategic leadership roles product innovation And business partners that affect the competitive advantage of SMEs. The sample group is entrepreneurs. 325 SMEs in Chiang Mai, Lampang, Lamphun, Mae Hong Son, Inferential statistics are used to analyze with structural equations to find relationships of direct and indirect variables. The research results showed that the model was consistent with the empirical data of SMEs. With the most opinions on strategic leadership roles followed by business partners, competitive advantage and innovative products relational factors found that 1) Strategic leadership roles affect product innovation, business partner. 2) Product innovation affects business partners. 3) Business partners have an impact on their competitive advantage. It can be concluded that all variables that did not have a problem had too high a relationship. Results of survey elemental analysis each group of variables had a high element weight. It has approximate extraction variation and high reliability.

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How to Cite
Somsong, P. . (2021). Relationship among strategic leadership role, product Innovation and business networking toward competitive advantage of small enterprises in the upper northern region. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 91–102. retrieved from


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