The expected Chinese language competence of undergraduate students who studied the Chinese language course in Mahidol University

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Paisan Sukjairungwattana
Yuwadee Tirataradol


This research aimed to 1) study the current level and the expected level of the Chinese language competence of undergraduate students who studied the Chinese language course in Mahidol University 2) compare their current level and the expected level of Chinese language competence and 3) study their needs for Chinese course improvement. For collecting the data, a questionnaire was answered by 66 students registered into the Chinese language course in Mahidol University in the first semester of academic year 2019. Means, standard deviation, and t-test dependent were used for data analysis. The results showed that 1) students had Chinese language competence regarding listening and speaking skills at a low level and the competence on reading and writing skills at the minimum; however, they expected on listening, reading and writing skills at a high level, and speaking skill at a highest level. 2) Students had expectation in the Chinese language competence higher than the current Chinese language competence in every respect with the statistical significance at the level of .05. 3) Students mostly needed to develop the learning content, learning activity, and learning assessment at a high level. The learning content and learning activity on hypothetical situation for using the language in a fun way and promoting the use of language and learning assessment focusing on learning development periodically were their priority needs.

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How to Cite
Sukjairungwattana, P., & Tirataradol, Y. . (2021). The expected Chinese language competence of undergraduate students who studied the Chinese language course in Mahidol University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 163–175. retrieved from


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