The Effects of Project-Based Writing Instruction on Writing Ability of Thai EFL Undergraduate Students

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Apapan Ruengkul
Punchalee Wasanasomsithi


This study aimed to investigate the effects of project-based writing instruction on writing ability of Thai EFL undergraduate students and explore the attitudes of Thai EFL undergraduate students towards the project-based writing instruction. This study employed a one-group, pretest post-test design to collect both quantitative data and qualitative data. The sample of the study was 24 first-year undergraduate students from Faculty of Humanities in the first semester of the academic year 2019. Three research instruments were created to elicit the data including a pretest and posttest of writing ability, an attitude questionnaire, and a semi-structured interview. The findings revealed that after the implementation of the project-based writing instruction, students’ writing ability increased with statistical significance. Moreover, students had positive attitudes towards the project-based writing instruction. Based on the findings, it could be concluded that project-based writing instruction (PWI) could be implemented as one of the effective instructional method to enhance writing ability of Thai EFL Undergraduate students.

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Ruengkul, A. ., & Wasanasomsithi, P. . (2021). The Effects of Project-Based Writing Instruction on Writing Ability of Thai EFL Undergraduate Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(1), 21–33. retrieved from


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