Antecedents Affecting Performance of the medical device business in Thailand

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Arpornranee Infahsaeng
Anong Taiwan


The purposes of this research were to 1) analyze the transformational leadership, innovative climate, knowledge management system, innovative work behavior and firm performance 2) study causal relationship of transformational leadership, innovation climate, knowledge management system and innovative work behavior in which affect work performance of medical device business in Thailand 3) examine the accordance of causal relationship between the antecedents affecting performance of the medical device business in Thailand and the empirical data. The research was analyzed by utilizing structural equation model (SEM) technique. The analysis of structural equation model, according to the hypothesis, the model is partly compatible with the empirical data and completely compatible to the hypothesis. Transformational Leadership, Innovation climate and Knowledge management system indirectly affects innovative work behavior statistical significance level of 0.001. Lastly, Innovative work behavior directly affects organization performance at statistical significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Infahsaeng, A., & Taiwan, A. . (2021). Antecedents Affecting Performance of the medical device business in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(1), 116–127. retrieved from


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