The Cultural Heritage of Typical Chinese Ethnic Food in Trang Province

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Katematu Duangmanee


The aim of the research was to classify typical Chinese ethnic food in Trang Province by studying the associated cultural heritage through questionnaires and interviews. The research sample consisted of village sages, individuals with a knowledge of Chinese ethnic specialities and cooks highly skilled in preparing these delicacies. In this investigation drawing on descriptive analysis, the results regarding Chinese ethnic specialities cover 82 meat dishes, 71 desserts and 4 snacks. Chinese ethnic food is bound up with all kinds of wisdom regarding culinary equipment; cooking techniques; and nutrition. The culinary wisdom of each ethnic Chinese is linked to the community’s cultural life. In addition to everyday consumption, food is used for traditional life events and for the rituals of Chinese shrines. Chinese gastronomic culture is steeped in wisdom and beliefs related to the ingredients and special characteristics of food, which are becoming part and parcel of local people’s way of life.

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How to Cite
Duangmanee, K. . (2021). The Cultural Heritage of Typical Chinese Ethnic Food in Trang Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 150–162. retrieved from


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