EFL language learners’ beliefs about language learning: a study on Thai EFL undergraduate students

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Orrathip Geerativudhipong


The purpose of this study was to investigate Thai EFL undergraduate students’ beliefs about English language learning. Participants were twenty Thai EFL second-year undergraduate students who major in English at a public university in Thailand. Research tool of this study was Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) questionnaire. The findings showed that there were both supportive and not supportive beliefs of Thai EFL undergraduate students regarding English language learning. Although the students view English is medium difficult for them to learn, they believe that everyone can learn English. Most of Thai EFL undergraduate students believe that it is important to learn English and they enjoy to learn English. This study provides the pedagogical implications for teachers to consider their students’ beliefs about English language learning in the process of course design and development and of English language instruction.

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How to Cite
Geerativudhipong, O. (2021). EFL language learners’ beliefs about language learning: a study on Thai EFL undergraduate students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(1), 9–20. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/244908


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