Factors Influencing the Graduation of Graduate Students within Specified Period of Students in Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University

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Paradee Saeneewong na Ayuthaya
Thanayus Thanathiti



This research aims to study the factors that have influenced the graduation of M.A. students in the specified period in the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University using quantitative research methods. The participants were 49 graduates during 2014-2019. The research instrument used in collecting data was a questionnaire. The findings reveal that most samples were female (75.50%). Of all the participants, 11 students (22.40%) graduated within the specified period, with an average duration of graduation within approximately 2 years. There were 38 students (77.60%) who graduated after the specified period, with an average duration of graduation within approximately 3 years 4 months. According to the discriminant analysis results obtained from the students who graduated within the specified period and those who graduated after the specified period, five influencing variables were found with a positive connection with the graduation within the specified time as listed: 1) behavior of learners 2) achievement motivation 3) holding a bachelor’s degree related to the study field 4) physical environment and facilities and 5) the relationship between learners and lecturers based on the research hypotheses. The efficiency of the discrimination is 83.67% which can be considered as a high efficiency.

Keywords:  graduate students, graduate in specified period

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How to Cite
Saeneewong na Ayuthaya, P., & Thanathiti, T. (2020). Factors Influencing the Graduation of Graduate Students within Specified Period of Students in Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 120–134. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/242848


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