Establishment and Movement of Psycholinguistics

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Panornuang Sudasna Na Ayudhya


The present paper is aimed to illustrate the establishment and development of psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics is a discipline, which linguistics and psychology are integrated. This paper will shed light to the beginning of this science since the early development of psycholinguistics, the influential theorists who had the impact on the development of psycholinguistics, and finally, the important movement in each period of history. The influential theorists who will be mentioned in this article are Wilhelm Wundt, Leonard Bloomfield, and Noam Chomsky. The influence of each theorist on the development of psycholinguistics will be revealed and discussed. Finally, the major developmental steps of modern psycholinguistics will be presented and discussed in four major periods as 1) Formative period, 2) Linguistic period, 3) Cognitive period, and 4) Cognitive science period or Psycholinguistic theory or Psycholinguistic reality. This paper will bring readers deeper understanding in the important and influential flow, which has the impact on modern psycholinguistics.

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How to Cite
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2021). Establishment and Movement of Psycholinguistics. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(1), 139–148. retrieved from


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