A Development of Competencies and Indicators for Administrators of Private Vocational Education in Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) area

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Paninee Saenghiran



            The objectives of this research were 1) to develop competencies and indicators for administrators of private vocational education in Eastern Economic Corridor area, 2) to validate and confirm a development of competencies and indicators for administrators of private vocational education in Eastern Economic Corridor area. Administrators of private vocational education in the Eastern area were chosen as the sample of the study. The questionnaires were used as a research tool.

            The research results were 1) the competencies and the indicators for the administrators of private vocational education in Eastern Economic Corridor area consisted of 4 competencies 15 indicators by determining the highest factor loading that are 1. the leadership competency 5 indicators, 2. the strategic thinking competency 4 indicators, 3. the communication competency 3 indicators and 4. the network competency 3 indicators, 2) validation and confirmation of competencies and indicators for administrators of private vocational education in Eastern Economic Corridor area model significantly correlated with the empirical data (CMIN/df=1.170, P-value=0.185, GFI=0.960, AGFI=0.910, RMR=0.003, RMSEA= 0.030).

Keywords: Competencies and Indicators, Administrators of private vocational education, Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), Private vocational education

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How to Cite
Saenghiran, P. . (2020). A Development of Competencies and Indicators for Administrators of Private Vocational Education in Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) area. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 52–62. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/242562


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