The participation process for preventingCOVID19: A case study of active aging in Nhong Ta Go community

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Worayuth Nak-ai
Kamolnat Muangyim
Decha Wannapahul



This participatory action research aimed to describe the participation process of the elderly, and its outcomesfor supporting the prevention process of COVID19 diseases at Nhong Ta Go community. The research conducted in March, 2020. These 24 research participants were the elderly clubsleaders and the elderly club members, academic research technicians, and the community members. Data were collected by participating observation, non-structural interview, field-notes, photographic memoires; and analyzed by content analysis. The results showed that the elderly participation process could be staged by 4 steps. There are the Plan step, the Do step, the Check step and the Act step. The impact of participatory process were the unity and solidarity of the elderly club, elderly’s happiness, the club’s networks, the volunteers’system for community development, the club’s leaders’ self-efficacy, and the conflict management capacity of the participants. The elderlyparticipation process was not only the social relationship,but it was also the elderly value added process to contribute to this aging society. The social should reconsider (1) its perception toward the elderly as well as (2) the value given to the elderly by supporting the elderly’s activities and actions for public benefits.

Keywords: Aging, Aging society, Participation, COVID19

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How to Cite
Nak-ai, W., Muangyim, K. ., & Wannapahul, D. . (2020). The participation process for preventingCOVID19: A case study of active aging in Nhong Ta Go community. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 20–30. retrieved from


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