An Analysis of Influent Factors on the Economic and Social Performances of Thai Social Enterprises

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Phetnapar Viriyaseubpong
Nalinee Thongprasert
Somchai Harnhirun



This research aims to investigate the influences of institutional contexts of organizational features, namely market-oriented behavior, social innovation and social capital on performance of social enterprises (SEs) in Thailand, thru organization’s capability. The quantitative analysis is conducted based on information drawn from 310 questionnaires, collected from 76 provincial Pracharath Rak Samakkee (Thailand) social enterprises and others, which are registered in official social enterprise list. The statistical reliability of questionnaires is 0.992. By employing a Structural Equation Model (SEM), the results demonstrate that Market Oriented (MO) and Social Capital (SC) have causal effects on both SE performances. Moreover, the results also depict the importance of Organizational capability as the linkage of an influence of two above-mentioned factors on economic performance. In addition, MO and SC also show direct causal effect on social performance. On the other hand, the analysis sees no relation between Social Innovation and Social Enterprises performance on both social and economic objectives.

Keywords: Thailand, Social Enterprise, SEM, Pracharath Rak Samakkee

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How to Cite
Viriyaseubpong, P. ., Thongprasert, N. ., & Harnhirun, S. . (2020). An Analysis of Influent Factors on the Economic and Social Performances of Thai Social Enterprises. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 75–85. retrieved from


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Translated Thai References

Viriyaseubpong, Phetnapar. (2020). An Analysis of Influent Factors on the Economic and Social Performances of Thai Social Enterprises. Ubon Ratchatani Rajabhat University. 2563, 85. (in Thai)