The influence of sharing economy: Distributive justice, network relation, and self-employment on career commitment

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Arphaporn Jongwiriyajaroenchai
Napaporn Khantanapha
Rapeepun Piriyakul



The objective of this research was 1) to investigate the perception level of the sharing justice, network relation, and profession independence among Grab operators, 2) to investigate the perception level of the confidence, self-regulation, and professional engagement in the self-employment among Grab operators, and 3) to investigate the influence of Grab's administrative factors. According to the quantitative study, the profession independence was the highest influential factor of 0.656, followed by the network relation while the e perception of the sharing justice was the very low influential factor. According to the qualitative study through interviews, the interviewees wanted to develop technology for justice make Grab a legal career. Additional rules and regulations should be established to be in line with the form of calling passenger car services through the application so that unfair business practices can be controlled and minimized. Moreover, there should be cooperation between Grab and the government in supporting the start-up operators to generate their income in order to improve the quality of life of the people in Thailand.

Keywords:  Business management, Sharing economy, Commitment, Professional, Self-employment

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How to Cite
Jongwiriyajaroenchai, A. ., Khantanapha, N. ., & Piriyakul, R. (2020). The influence of sharing economy: Distributive justice, network relation, and self-employment on career commitment. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 171–182. retrieved from


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