An Excellent Administration Model for the School Administrators under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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somtawin roekngam
Suwit Panujaree



The research aimed to 1) study school administrative status for the excellence of school administrators.  2). create an excellent school administration model and 3) evaluate and certify an excellent school administration model. Research results found that  1.The school administrative status for the excellence of school administrators. There were 7components : 1). structural management 2) strategic management 3) personnel management 4) behavior of management method 5) system and operating method 6) common values and 7) personnel operation skills. 2. An excellent administration model consists of 11 sub–components :1) input factor compose of 2 sub - components including 1.1) structural management and 1.2)personnel operation skills. 2) process factor compose of 5 sub–components :2.1) strategic management 2.2)personnel management. 2.3) behavioral management method. 2.4 system and operating method and 2.5) common values and 3) output factor compose of 4 sub-components:3.1)academic excellence. 3.2)budget management excellence. 3.3) personnel management excellence and 4) general management excellence. 3. The model evaluation showed that the total average mean was the highest level, the specialists and experts were approved 98.53 percent

 Keywords: School Administration Model, Excellent, School Administrators, Model Evaluation

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How to Cite
roekngam, somtawin, & Panujaree, S. . . (2020). An Excellent Administration Model for the School Administrators under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 147–159. retrieved from


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