Strategies of Academic Administration in Private Elementary Schools in Prachuapkhirikhan Province

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Chanotai Charoennuang
Narong Pimsan
Sirikarn Thanawutponpinit



            The purposes of this research were:1) to analyze the Academic Administration components of private elementary schools in Prachuapkhirikhan Province; and 2) to determine their strategies of Academic Administration. The data were collected by interviewing qualified government officials with experience in supervising Academic Administration and also 3 experts from the private sector, There were 8 experts selected by using purposive sampling. The results of the research showed that 1) The result of analysis of Academic Administration components of private elementary schools in Prachuapkhirikhan Province consists of 7 components. These are planning and development, learning management, media and technology, measurement and evaluation, internal supervision, classroom research and educational quality assurance. The weight of the components between is 0.593-0.785. 2) The Academic Administration strategies of private elementary schools in the elementary education level in Prachuapkhirikhan Province consist of 7 strategies. They are planning and curriculum development, learning management, media and technology, measurement and evaluation, internal supervision, classroom research and educational quality assurance.

 Keyword: Strategy, Academic Administration, Private school

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How to Cite
Charoennuang, C. ., Pimsan, N. ., & Thanawutponpinit, S. (2020). Strategies of Academic Administration in Private Elementary Schools in Prachuapkhirikhan Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 31–41. retrieved from


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