Platform: Change Business Strategy

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Panwadee Lerdloompheephan


Nowadays, technology has an influence on daily life and affect to the behavior of consumption has changed. Therefore, businesses need to change their business plans and organizational management strategies to the rapidly changing environment including respond and complete consumer’s need. Technology can support the various operations and create a competitive advantage. Changing business strategies by bringing products and services into the online platform. The business can reach more customers and convenient transaction. It is much faster on both the seller and the consumer side. Moreover, Information data of consumer can be report for marketing planning purposes and other strategies. As a result, businesses can be strategy plan more efficient in the future. Platforms can be expanded indefinitely. Develop new functions or models at any time create new innovations. It can be connected to other systems.

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How to Cite
Lerdloompheephan, P. . (2019). Platform: Change Business Strategy. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 150–157. retrieved from


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