Media Strengthening Model of Student Council For Learning in Good Governance Political Culture, Case Study: Rajabhat Universities in Northern Reginal

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Chutipuk Kemwimoottiwong


This research are: 1) to study and make understanding on the principles of good governance of students of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University; 2) to develop information system of Student Council for using as social media and social networking of Student Council; and 3) to create media using model to enhance Student Council for good governance politics culture learning. There were 1,500 samples of students of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University and Student Union of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. The target groups for publishing information system of Student Council were 7 northern Rajabhat universities. Research tools were information system of Student Council and Satisfaction Questionnaire. Research results 1) From studying was found that students of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University had high level of understanding on the principles of good governance in all issues. 2) The Student Council information system Chiang Mai Rajabhat University is used as a model for the development of a model for enhancing the use of social media networks of the Student Council for learning of political culture based on good governance

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Kemwimoottiwong, C. . (2019). Media Strengthening Model of Student Council For Learning in Good Governance Political Culture, Case Study: Rajabhat Universities in Northern Reginal. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 138–149. retrieved from


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