Thinking Styles of Students In The Faculty Of Industrial Education At King Moungkut’s University Of Technology North Bangkok

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Merada Klinmalee


The current research was intended to investigate and compare the thinking styles of students in the Faculty of Industrial Education, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, by different faculty’s departments. The sample included a total of 302 students selected by stratified random sampling, comprising 73 mechanical engineering, 99 electrical engineering, 65 civil engineering, and 65 computer technology students. The data collection employed a questionnaire of 7-point rating scales with reliability of 0.983.  The data analysis involved mean, standard deviation, and One-Way MANOVA.  The results revealed that. the students’ thinking styles ranked by their means from high to low as follows: hierarchic, legislative, executive, anarchic, liberal, judicial, external, local, global, monarchic, oligarchic, internal, and conservative, respectively.  The comparison suggested that all these 13 thinking styles differed significantly between different departments.  Pair-wise comparisons of means indicated significant differences of 7 thinking styles between different departments, which included legislative, executive, judicial, hierarchic, internal, liberal, and conservative, with greater mean for computer technology students than those of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and civil engineering, respectively, at significance level of 0.05.


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How to Cite
Klinmalee, M. . (2019). Thinking Styles of Students In The Faculty Of Industrial Education At King Moungkut’s University Of Technology North Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 125–137. retrieved from


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