The push and pull factors towards Japanese elderly tourists to travel in Thailand

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Usanee Pharsuk
Duangdao Yoshida


This is a quantitative research. It aims to study 1) The Push and Pull Factors of Japanese elderly tourists concern tourist’s behavior and 2) Perspective of Thailand tourism’s Image that affecting to travel in Thailand. The data was collected using questionnaires for the sample group is 370 Japanese elderly tourists who were traveling in Thailand by convenience sampling technique.

The results had shown that mainly male Japanese elderly tourists. The age between 55-64 years old, with mainly education level at bachelor’s degree, most are employee having annual income 300,000-400,000 Yen (85,000-120,000 Bath) per month. The behavior of Japanese elderly tourists mainly been visited Thailand than once, and searching for information from social multimedia such as the internet. The purpose of their travels was a travel/recreation and they liked to travel visit cultural attractions by coming with their family. They had lay over duration for 5-7 days and average expenses for travel was 150,000 Yen onward (4,200 baht onward) and mainly Wellness’s tourists who answered the questionnaires wanted to travel to Thailand again. Furthermore, most tourists regarded that perspective of Thailand tourism’s Image from Japanese elderly tourists mainly aspect of Thai’s culture & tradition were impressed. Followed by image of quality and diversity of tourism; value and tourism experience; ease of access attractions and safety in traveling, respectively.

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How to Cite
Pharsuk, U. ., & Yoshida, D. . (2019). The push and pull factors towards Japanese elderly tourists to travel in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 114–124. retrieved from


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