Situational survey on quality of life standard for the disabled

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Porntida Visaetsilapanonta
Phruek Jirasatayaporn
Somsri Sirikwanchai


This research is aimed to study the situation of the quality of life of the disabled according to the indicators of the standard of living of the disabled and to study guidelines to drive the quality of life for people with disabilities in provinces. This research used mixed methodologies: quantitative and qualitative methods.   Population groups were 238,716 disabled people who registered in 8 provinces and voluntarily enrolled in the research. The samples were 5,407 disabled people.  The tools used in the research were questionnaires and interview forms.   Data was collected by interviewing based on questionnaires and in-depth interviews.  Quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.       

                The results showed that the quality of life of the disabled according to the standard of living in the 8 provinces, in the overall situation, were at a moderate level (average 2.69). Quality of life indexes consist of (1) the right of the disabled was at a high level (average 3.17), (2) the quality of life of the disabled was at the moderate level - health (average 2.96) and (3) facilities (average 2.79), (4) the quality of life of the disabled was at a low level - sports and recreation (mean 2.54),  (5) socialization (mean 2.07), (6) education (mean 2.06), including (7) occupation, employment and income (average 1.85).  In addition, the guidelines to drive the quality of life of disabled people were as follows: developing the capacity of workers, creating a network to improve the quality of life of    the disabled, and developing and utilizing the database of quality of life of the disabled according to  the standard criteria.

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How to Cite
Visaetsilapanonta, P. ., Jirasatayaporn, P. ., & Sirikwanchai, S. . (2019). Situational survey on quality of life standard for the disabled. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 91–104. retrieved from


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