A Study of Components and Data Analysis on the Need to Enhancement Pre-service Teachers’ Creative Thinking Skills

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Channarong Wisetsat
Wassanathai Singhol


This research aimed to study the results of components and data analysis on the need of enhancement pre-service teachers’ creative thinking skills. There were three phases of the study. First, the researcher analyzed the related documents. The data source were Google Scholar, Research Gate, ProQuest and Springer, academy studies were Chulalongkorn University, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang and Lamplaimat Pattana Schools, 5 specialists. Research instruments is suitability assessment form. Second, a survey of needs of pre-service teachers’ creative thinking skills. Groups of the study were Instructors. Research instruments was a survey questionnaire. Third, necessity analysis of pre-service teachers’ creative thinking skills. The data source were The teacher professional standards, Thailand Qualifications Framework and Thai Educational Standard. The results showed that: The components of pre-service teachers’ creative thinking skills had 4 components; 1) fluency, 2) flexibility, 3) elaboration and 4) originality. The survey results showed that Instructor a most level of need to enhance pre-service teachers’ creative thinking skills. The necessity analysis showed that creative thinking skills specify in the teacher professional standards, Thailand Qualifications Framework and Thai Educational Standard.

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How to Cite
Wisetsat, C. ., & Singhol, W. . (2019). A Study of Components and Data Analysis on the Need to Enhancement Pre-service Teachers’ Creative Thinking Skills. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 79–90. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/230585


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