People Participation in Public – Private Collaboativeproject of Donmaidang Village, Ampoe Thamuang, Kanchanaburi Province

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Petsuda Chianthianthong
Prateep Markmit


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the participation of people in Public-Private Collaborative Projects; 2) to compare the level of the participation of people in Public-Private Collaborative Projects, classified by personal factors, and 3) to find some guidelines for development of the Public-Private Collaborative Projects of Dongmaidaeng Village, Amphoe Thamuang, Kanchanaburi Province. The Mixed research was used. It employed the quantitative research by using the questionnaires to collect data from 193 people. The qualitative research was applied by using interview with persons involved in the projects. The finding revealed that (1) the overall participation of people in Public- Private Collaborative Projects is at the high level. (2) It was found that age had no significant differences. While the gender, level of education, and monthly income had significant differences. (3) Guidelines for Development of people participation in Public-Private Collaborative Projects demonstrated as follows: there should be public relations media used to reach out to people in the community, the government should be the mainstay of coordinating and facilitating the people to participate, it should have incentives for people to participate, it should create fairness and equal opportunity for people to benefit from the project, and it should have a system of giving people the opportunity to participate in the project examination from start to finish. In addition, it should disclose the necessary information that enables people to check the transparency of the project.

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How to Cite
Chianthianthong, P. ., & Markmit, P. . (2019). People Participation in Public – Private Collaboativeproject of Donmaidang Village, Ampoe Thamuang, Kanchanaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 68–78. retrieved from


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