Strategies to promote value of Buddhist Religious tourism in Rattanakosin Island

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Phramahasuriya Masunthia


The result of search in the topic of “Strategies to Promote Value of Buddhist Religious Tourism in Rattanakosin Island”, the researcher found that the behavior of tourists frequency visit were more than 3 visits was at 79.70 percent.  Tourists who came for leisure was 37.10 percent and tourists who came by themselves was 91.10 percent and tourists who most preferred to visit the Emerald Buddha Temple was 25.90 percent.  Tourists’ preference on marketing activities, was at the more level (X= 3.95), on mindful activities (X= 3.95), and on rite participation activities (X=3.76).  On dhamma practicing activities (X= 3.50), Buddhism inherit activities (X= 3.40), recreation activities (X= 3.39) and holy object buying activities (X= 2.71).   The most agreed with were on the aspect of praying of Buddha images (X= 4.04), making merit activities (X= 3.97) and joining the activities on Buddhism essential days (X= 3.91).  Marketing strategies on Buddhist religious tourism which the tourists were most satisfied were in the cleanliness of the place (X= 3.85), the touring products buying process (X= 3.79), tourism personnel (X= 3.70), Buddhist religious tourism activities (X= 3.66), marketing promotion (X= 3.61), and physical environment (X= 3.61).  The efficiency of the marketing strategies to promote value of Buddhist religious tourism were in the image side (X= 4.06), the awareness of value in Buddhism (X= 4.03) and the satisfaction (X= 3.90)

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How to Cite
Masunthia, P. . (2019). Strategies to promote value of Buddhist Religious tourism in Rattanakosin Island. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 42–54. retrieved from


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