The Role of SMEs in Employment and Export to Economic Growth of Thailand

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Tuangporn Pinudom
James V. Johnson


Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are a key contributor to the economic progress of many countries around the world.  Thailand is one of the developing countries where SMEs play a crucial role in the economic stabilization of the country. This paper analyzes the relationship of employment and exports to Thailand’s GDP for both SMEs and large enterprises to determine the extent that SMEs impact to Thailand’s GDP. Multiple regression has been applied as part of the methodology to analyze the data from 2002-2017. The research results show that both SMEs and large enterprises have a significant impact on the total GDP of Thailand.  However, the analysis for the employment and exports of these two types of enterprises shows that the employment and exports of SMEs have a significant impact on GDP whereas only the exports of large enterprises have significant impact on GDP.

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How to Cite
Pinudom, T., & Johnson, J. V. (2019). The Role of SMEs in Employment and Export to Economic Growth of Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 20–28. retrieved from


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