Guidelines in Value Added Creation of Ecotourism for economic and sustainable tourism in Khung Bangkachao, Phrapadaeng District, Samutprakarn Province

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usanee watcharapaisankul



The study aims to (1) to study the ecotourism potential of the Khung Bangkachao (2) to study the tourist’s behaviors and Marketing Mix (8P’s) of the Khung Bangkachao and (3) to propose guidelines in Value Added Creation of Ecotourism for economic in Khung Bangkachao. The qualitative data was collected using semi-structured interview for the 10 key informants by purposive sampling method, versified by using data triangulation. And quantitative data was collected using questionnaires for the 370 samples by Convenience Sampling method, the descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of the data and the test statistics using Chi-Square method by significance level of 0.05. The results had shown that the behavior of Thai’s tourists mainly been visited Khung Bangkachao than once, and searching information from Internet. In addition, the satisfaction of Marketing’s Mix (7P’s) mainly Physical environment, Product and Price as the high level that are opportunities So, the researcher proposed to guidelines in Value Added Creation of Ecotourism for economic and sustainable tourism in Khung Bangkachao as ECO Model.

Keyword: Guidelines in Value Added Creation, Ecotourism, Sustainable Tourism, Khung Bangkachao

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How to Cite
watcharapaisankul, usanee. (2020). Guidelines in Value Added Creation of Ecotourism for economic and sustainable tourism in Khung Bangkachao, Phrapadaeng District, Samutprakarn Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 107–119. retrieved from


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