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Nisachon Rattanamanee
Prasopchai Phasunon


This article examines and represents the response rate of the research questionnaires. As the questionnaire is the important and popular tool used for gathering data from the large number of sample and test of hypothesis according to the quantitative research method. Thus, the response rate of questionnaire is a measurement tool that provides valuable insight into accuracy of collected data that refers to the number of sample who completed the survey and it can measure whether the data analyzed is sufficient enough to meet the basic criteria to determine the sample by using response rate of questionnaires in quantitative research in various forms which consisted of 1) Self-administer questionnaire 2) Mailed questionnaire 3) Facsimile questionnaire and 4) Web Based questionnaire. From the synthesis, researchers should use a self-administer questionnaire, by phone or conference call. This will allow the data from the sample to match the study population and the reliability of the data. The data can be collected enough to test the hypothesis. It is also reliable and the error of all data is low.

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How to Cite
Rattanamanee, N. ., & Phasunon, P. . (2019). RESPONSE RATE IN QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(3), 181–188. retrieved from


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