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Thanapol Namnual
Prachyanun Nilsook


Information Technology Management is a process of planning to use information technology in managing and controlling an organization. In order to manage a structure to link the resources to the information technology, it requires a framework that responds to the needs of the facility and IT infrastructure. For higher education, Information technology is important in all areas, such as teaching, research and administration. Thus, information technology is an effective strategic tool for Higher Education. The effective information technology management is able to help the higher education gain good followings; (1) Information Technology Targeting (2) Effective use of information technology resources and (3) IT Risk Management. The COBIT framework is able to manage the policy to control the information technology and the best practice. COBIT is able to improve the standard and any recommendations continuously.

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Namnual, T. . ., & Nilsook, P. . (2019). IT GOVERNANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION BY COBIT FRAMEWORK. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(3), 169–180. retrieved from


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