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Rodsarin Pantu
Chutipuk Kemwimoottiwong
Anodar Ratchawet
Panupat Chaiworn


The objectives of this research were to examine and analyze the STEM education teacher development process of the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) and to develop the model and manual of the STEM Education Leader Teacher Development for the schools under the supervision of Chiang Mai Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The population was 614 science & technology and math teachers in the schools with 18 samples. The data collection concerned training STEM education teachers, an analysis of the environment and potential, a connoisseurship seminar, and an experimental implementation of the model and manual. The research instruments consisted of a basic comprehension test on STEM education, a qualitative behavioral observation, a structured interview, and a model and manual quality assessment. The findings are summarized as follows.

The research results are summarized as follows. 1) The analysis of the STEM education teacher development process revealed that there were three levels of drive. The first level was concerned with Office of the Basic Education Commission, IPST and related agencies. The second level involved regional STEM Education Center schools, mentoring universities and universities under the network of IPST. The third level consisted of educational area offices and schools. The problem found was that participating teachers were unable to create STEM education learning activity plans that were in line with their fields, contexts and potential of the students in their respective schools. 2) The development of the model and manual for the schools in the study area yielded the Leader Teacher STEM Model : LT STEM Model, which would enable the teachers to create STEM education learning activity plans in accordance with their fields, contexts and potential of the students in their respective schools. The mean of the quality assessment of the model and manual was 4.29 with the standard deviation of 0.69, deemed to be at a high level.

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How to Cite
Pantu, R. . ., Kemwimoottiwong, C. . ., Ratchawet, A. . ., & Chaiworn, P. . . (2019). THE MODEL OF STEM EDUCATION LEADER TEACHER DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SCHOOL UNDER CHIANG MAI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(3), 133–144. retrieved from


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