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Thitaree Durongdumrongchai
Chachanun Nitiwattana
Malichun Thongchum


There is a scarcity of researches on service quality in fitness centers in Thailand despite the fact that there is a tendency to increase number of fitness centers according to consumers’ behaviors which are higher health conscious. This leads to have a high competition in fitness centers. As a result, a study of service quality affecting to loyalty in fitness centers is a necessary in order to create value for money to investors. Accordingly, a conceptual model is proposed which examines the influence of service quality on loyalty in fitness centers by having perceived value and satisfaction as mediate variables. Propositions of the model are presented in this article, including service quality influencing on loyalty, service quality influencing on perceived value, perceived value influencing on loyalty, service quality influencing on satisfaction, satisfaction influencing on loyalty and perceived value influencing on satisfaction. Moreover, research implications for future researches are proposed such as studying of effects of service quality besides satisfaction, perceived value and loyalty, such as re-patronage intention, customer retention and behavioral intention.

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How to Cite
Durongdumrongchai, T. ., Nitiwattana, C. ., & Thongchum, M. . (2019). SERVICE QUALITY INFLUENCING ON LOYALTY IN CONTEXT OF FITNESS CENTER: A CONCEPTUAL MODEL AND PROPOSITIONS. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(3), 108–119. retrieved from


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