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Attawan Juntasutho


Accountants are the importance staffs in all division which are the government and private organizations because they collect, manage and process the data related to the business performance that is necessary to use for making a decision, planning and control. For this research, it aims to assess the needs of accountants in Thailand, the components of which consist of 6 skills on International Education Standards (IES). They are intellectual skills, technical and functional skills, personal skills, interpersonal and communication skills, organizational skills and business management skills, and general skills acquired by learning, and all of which are necessary fundamental for the accounting professional development. The sample consists of 200 accountants who working in Bangkok, that data are collected using questionnaires and analyzed by statistical analysis. The research results revealed that the accountant had highest works with moderate existing situation on 6 aspects: 1. Intellectual skills 2. Technical and Functional skills 3. Personal skills: these skills 4. Interpersonal and Communication skills 5. Organizational skills and Business Management skills and 6. General skills occurred by learning and all necessary fundamental to the research had been useful for the management of the business organization and applied to be a way of learning development for supporting in the educational institutions application for the including application as a development guidelines for education and capabilities promotion their future careers in participation AEC.

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How to Cite
Juntasutho, A. . (2019). NEED ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS OF ACCOUNTANTS IN THAILAND. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(3), 52–63. retrieved from


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