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Panida Petjuangjan
Apichart Lenenan


The objective of the study are 1) The good frame work in the administration of 9Ds school project in Samutsakhon Educational Service Area Office, and 2) Steps in the administration of 9Ds school project in Samutsakhon Educational Service Area Office. The sample were 103 administrators and 224 teachers, included 327 samples. The semi-structure Interview was used to collected the data. The statistic which was used for the quantity data are frequency, mean and standard deviation. The content analysis was used for the quality data. The result showed that: 1) for a good framework in the administration of 9Ds School the researcher found that the most administrators would place the teacher to the appropriate work and run the project by meeting and co-ordinating between department. The head of each as would control and take responsible the project and drive forward to the right direction, and 2) Steps in the administration of 9 Ds School project in Samutsakhon Educational Service Area Office, the researcher found that, The administrators and teachers involved in running the project of 9Ds School at the higher level. The highest was planning work and the last was project evaluation.

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How to Cite
Petjuangjan, P. ., & Lenenan, A. . (2019). THE ADMINISTRATION OF “9DS SCHOOL”PROJECT IN SAMUTSAKHON EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(3), 32–40. retrieved from


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