Management Efficiency of The Metropolitan Police, The Royal Thai Police

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Settapas Thanetpaksapong
Sommai Chanruang
Preeda Sataworn


This research article aimed to 1) study the management efficiency levels of the crime prevention and investigation 2) study the factors affecting the management efficiency 3)to develop certain constructive recommendations and improvement on the factors leading to management efficiency The research examined how dimensions were affecting mission management efficiency.

The research employed quantitative research methodology and acquired data from the samples the total amount of 480 samples. The results found that The Metropolitan police must always pay attention to the development and improvement of the organization's primary mission.

Data collecting tools of this research were the questionnaire forms of 0.974 Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient reliability test. Statistical Analysis techniques included descriptive and inferential types and structural equation modeling. Results of the study found affect the management efficiency of the Metropolitan Police, with the statistical significance 83.70%

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How to Cite
Thanetpaksapong, S. ., Chanruang, S. ., & Sataworn, P. . (2021). Management Efficiency of The Metropolitan Police, The Royal Thai Police. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 115–125. retrieved from


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