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Duangjai Jandasang
Prasopchai Pasunon


The article is written to introduce and illustrate the guideline for mixed methods research is choice of research method. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research and research quality from integrating methodology benefits from approaches. The article is based on research foundation of mixed method form combining strengths and avoiding weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative single approach, There are six categories of mixed method research design which are: 1) The Convergent Parallel Design 2) The Explanatory Sequential Design 3) The Exploratory Sequential Design 4) The Embedded Design5) The Transformative Design and 6) The Multiple Design. This article is design approaches conduct under for mixed methods research. Study and understand a situation is popularly used for mixed methods research is doping different approaches to suit.

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How to Cite
Jandasang, D. ., & Pasunon, P. . (2019). RESEARCH METHODS FOR INCORPORATING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF ENTERPRISES LOGISRICS. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(2), 182–192. retrieved from


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