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Naris Mahaphromwan
Sman Foosang
Suthep Pongsriwat
Ruangwit Nontapa


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the components of leadership competencies in private schools, 2) to the model of developing leadership competencies in private schools, and 3) to evaluate the model of leadership competencies towards international standard. The methodology was divided into three steps. The first step was the study on the components of leadership competencies in private schools. Data were collected by interviewing 3 experts and conducting a focus group discussion with 36 individuals. The second step was the development of the model of leadership competencies in private schools. The key informants consisted of 168 school board representatives, teacher representatives, parent representatives, student representatives. The third step was the evaluation of suitability, feasibility, and utility of the model of leadership competencies in private schools. Workshop was conducted with 6 experts. Assessment for the model of leadership competencies in private schools was used. Data were analyzed by using statistics including percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results of this research showed that there were six components of leadership competencies in private schools towards international standard, including 1) Idealized Influence, formulating the school direction towards desired outcome, 2) Inspirational Motivation, stimulating personnel to achieve the visions and missions, 3) Intellectual Stimulation, stimulating personnel to apply the knowledge, 4)Idealized Influence, building the relationship and engagement, 5) Contingent Reward, rewarding personnel based on project/ activity plan to achieve the school’s vision and goals, and 6) Management-by-Exception, formulating the standard towards organizational goal. The results of evaluating the model of leadership competencies in private schools showed that all aspects of the model met the criteria.

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How to Cite
Mahaphromwan, N. ., Foosang, S. ., Pongsriwat, S. ., & Nontapa, R. . (2019). THE MODEL OF COMPETENCY FOR PRIVATE SCHOOL LEADER TOWARDS THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(2), 138–150. retrieved from


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