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Chaiyawit Muangmee
Narumol Soonsawad
Preyanuch Kijrrrungroijarean
Ratchanak Panyasupat
Rattana Bunuam


This research aims to (1) explore the tourist destination image, service marketing mix, tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty toward Samutsongkhram Province (2) analyze the components of the four latent variables (3) analyze both direct and indirect effects of the tourist destination image, service marketing mix, tourist satisfaction, those affect tourist loyalty toward Samutsongkhram Province (4) find tourist destination loyalty model for Samutsongkhram Province. This research is a quantitative research.  The samples collected were 600. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics of percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviation. The inferential statistics consisted of Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The research revealed that: (1) the tourist destination image, service marketing mix, tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty toward Samutsongkhram Province were mostly at high level. (2) Confirmatory Factors Analysis implied that the tourist destination image have the highest in the most impressive elements values. (3) the effect analysis found that the tourist  destination image and service marketing mix has direct and indirect influence on tourist loyalty toward Samutsongkhram Province. (4) the constructed model corresponded with the empirical evidence of all variables (χ 2= 39.08, df= 32, χ2/df=1.22, P = 0.15, RMSEA = 0.01)

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How to Cite
Muangmee, C. ., Soonsawad, N. ., Kijrrrungroijarean, P. ., Panyasupat, R. ., & Bunuam, R. . (2019). TOURIST DESTINATION LOYALTY MODEL FOR SAMUTSONGKHRAM PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(2), 125–137. retrieved from


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