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Weroj Rattanakittiroj
Sman Foosang
Ketmanee Markmee
Samnao Muenjaem


The purposes of this research were build leadership models and components for local development of student leaders among Upper Northern Region Rajabhat Universities. The research methods were divided into 3 periods. Period 1 was to study the components and characteristics of leadership for local development. Step 2 was to build the components of leadership development for local development of student leaders among Upper Northern Region Rajabhat Universities. The informants were divided into two main groups. Group 1 were student leaders academic year of 2016 from Upper Northern Region Rajaphat Universities as 21 sampling group consisted of 221. Group 2 were executives involved in student affairs and organized an In-depth Interview Guideline. Step 3 was about criticized patterns and components of leadership for local development of student leaders from Upper Northern Region Rajabhat Universities. The data was analyzed by content analysis and descriptive lectures.  The research results showed The models and components of leadership for local development of student leaders among Upper Northern Region Rajabhat Universities were composed of followings 1) Placing a self-value; namely Self-Understanding, Congruence, Self-Development, and Stimulating Creativity. 2) Placing a value for being a role model; like; having a prototype, being accepted and being promoted and supported. 3) Placing a value for having participation; such as having a common goal, mutual recognition, and working as a team, and 4) Placing a value for community and society; particularly being a good citizen, having a conscious mind, serving as a volunteer, and recognizing the principles of living.

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How to Cite
Rattanakittiroj, W., Foosang, S., Markmee, K., & Muenjaem, S. (2019). THE MODEL OF DEVELOPING STUDENT LEADERSHIP FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN UPPER NORTH REGION RAJABHAT UNIVERSITIES. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(2), 115–124. retrieved from


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