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Panwadee Lerdloompheephan


This research aims to study the competitiveness of Thai mango export. By comparison, Thailand's mango exports to the Philippines and India. According to statistics, the Philippines and India are important exporters in the global market and country similar landscape to plant mangoes like Thailand. The study compares the comparative advantage index (RCA) with the global market share and the growth rate of exports. Study factors affecting the competitiveness of Thai mango exports using the Diamond Model are the conceptual framework for determining the factors to be studied. Based on the primary data obtained from the integration of the various agencies to use in descriptive analysis.

            The research found that Thailand's mango export capacity is growing at a higher rate in the world market than Philippines and India. Meanwhile India has a higher market share of mangoes in the world than Thailand and the Philippines. Factors that affect competitiveness can be described through the Diamond Model Theory. Based on the study, problems and obstacles have been placed on the importance of continuous improvement and development in order to be able to export mangoes to the world market in a timely manner and emphasize on quality season and cleanliness

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How to Cite
Lerdloompheephan, P. . (2019). THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THAILAND’S EXPORT IN MANGOES COMPARED TO PHILIPPINES AND INDIA. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(2), 68–77. retrieved from


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