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Wasaporn Nicharat
Panit Khemthong
Pattamavadi Lehmongkol


The purposes of this research were to 1) create learning activities with electronics media for promoting career awareness of elementary level students and 2) study effectiveness of learning activities with electronic media for promoting career awareness of elementary level students. Three phases studies were presented, the first was to collect related assumption in career awareness. The second phase was developed the learning activities with electronics media on career awareness.  For the third phase, verified learning activities with electronic media.  The learning activities were arranged to 40 volunteer elementary school students from BanBangkapi School, Bangkok Metropolitan. The result of research indicated that learning activities with electronic media for promoting career awareness of elementary level students were composed of: career contents, games and stories. The learning activities effectiveness was satisfied consider from students’ positive behaviors while participating learning activities and receiving and responding test scores.

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How to Cite
Nicharat, W. . ., Khemthong, P. ., & Lehmongkol, P. . (2019). LEARNING ACTIVITIES WITH ELECTRONICS MEDIA FOR PROMOTING CAREER AWARENESS OF ELEMENTARY LEVEL STUDENTS. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(2), 58–67. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/192692


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