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Norachai Na Wichian
Chalermchai Kittisaknawin
Nalinnath Deesawadi



             This article aims to demonstrate the highest adoption of Buddhism, apply in lifestyle, work and organization development. The principle of such a concept rests on the foundation of cause and effect and is the core teachings of Buddhism. The Four Noble Truths is generally known that the main objective of this fair. To teach people to understand the true nature of all things. Which discusses the need to determine that distress or trouble is, and what is the cause of the problem at that time. They can do or by way of any practical use in order to put an end to all such problems. If this principle is applied, it will allow individuals or organizations to conduct life and business. Consistent with the reality of the life and operation. In other words, the knowledge of these principles can help alleviate suffering, reduce the impact of problems down. The Four Noble Truths consists of Dukkha which refers to the problems, Samudaya means the cause of the problem, Nirodha means the cessation of the problem and Magga defines as the ways to eliminate the problems. For the major part of this article, the adoption of this principle to the application, comparable process and organization development (Interventions) in the different parts. These are as follow 1) Human Process Interventions 2) Technostructural Interventions 3) Human Resource Management Interventions 4) The strategic changes Interventions.

 Keywords: The Four Noble Truths, Functions Concerning The Four Noble Truths, Magga, Organization Development

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How to Cite
Na Wichian, N. ., Kittisaknawin, C. ., & Deesawadi, N. . (2019). THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS AND ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(1), 165–174. retrieved from


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