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Kanokporn Krajangsaeng
Prasopchai Pasunon



                The Mix method is to bring research quantitative research and qualitative research are mixed with the main purpose to use the strengths of one of the types of research was the weakness of another type of research. In one of the research will be combined any way between qualitative and quantitative research, where research results from merging research methods can complement each other by using one of the methods of describing the findings emphasise the findings of another way this will help both the answer the research questions have a clear resolution, rather than using quantitative or qualitative. In addition to research, the merged approach might cause the new discovery. And research that have merged together in several forms, but the research Convergent Parallel Design is the research conducted qualitative research with a quantitative focus on research both equally. The findings were summarized in the interpretation of results. In order to verify the accuracy of the information or make the results that more complete. The research model, together with a study research merge how popular used as much as possible. Because it can answer the research clearly and cover even have time or resources Limited.

 Keyword: Mix method , Convergent Parallel Design

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How to Cite
Krajangsaeng, K. ., & Pasunon, P. . (2019). THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CONVERGENT PARALLEL DESIGN IN MENAGEMENT RESEARCH. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(1), 130–138. Retrieved from


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