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Karansupamas Engchuan
Wariya Chinwanno



The mixed-methods research project entitled, “Ethics of the Physicians working at the Government Hospitals in Thailand” has two objectives:  (1) to get the holistic database concerning ethics of the physicians working at the government hospitals in Thailand, and (2) to get the database regarding ethics of the physicians working at the government hospitals in Thailand. The in-depth interview with 5 physicians was utilized in qualitative data collection while the questionnaire was employed in quantitative data collection from 400 physicians in the five regions of Thailand.

It is revealed that the physicians were able to maintain their basic medical ethics at the high level ( = 4.36).  The highest level of ethics was the physicians respecting their patients’ right ( = 4.47).  Second to that was the patients’ paying attention to every step of their treatment so as to avoid the patients’ danger ( = 4.42).  The physicians tried to maintain justice in their medical service ( = 4.41).  The physicians regarded the patients’ benefits as of great importance expecting to bring about the patients’ well being ( = 4.29).  The physicians also realized the importance of their work and tried not to cause any pain or suffering to their patients both physically and mentally. ( = 4.22). 

 Keywords: Ethics, Physicians, Government Hospitals, Thailand

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How to Cite
Engchuan, K. ., & Chinwanno, W. . (2019). ETHICS OF THE PHYSICIANS WORKING AT THE GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS IN THAILAND. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(1), 119–129. retrieved from


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