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Anuwat Pontip
Phatcharawadee Phengsrakate



                     Research on Social quality and participation in community development A case study : Na Rat khwai Sub-District Muang Nakhon Phanom District Nakhon Phanom Province. The groups that play a role in community development are those who have the power to structure, such as community leaders and those who have been praised by the people in the community. While the majority of people in the community play a less active role in community development

                    The results were: The level of development participation in community as a whole in the medium (average 2.85 standard deviations. 0.857). The hypotheses and test hypotheses with Chi-square statistics in a cross tabulation analysis 3 the following assumptions are social solidarity, social capital and social network with the variables involved in the development of community relations at the significant level of 0.05., the results of in-depth interviews found that people in the community are they have quite a few unities but they also participate in activities and create social networks with other communities.

 Keywords: Social quality, participation, community development, social network

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How to Cite
Pontip, A. ., & Phengsrakate, P. . (2019). SOCIAL QUALITY AND PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A CASE STUDY: NA RAT KHWAI SUB-DISTRICT, MUANG NAKHON PHANOM DISTRICT NAKHON PHANOM PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(1), 111–118. retrieved from


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