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Wasan Kantvorarat
Witsathit Somrak



A comparative study of operational success for room attendants in 5-star-hotel aims to study the personal characteristics and the key to success of the 5-star-hotel room attendants. In addition, we would compare the performance level of the 5-star-hotel room attendants classified by work experience and average monthly income. Research samples are housekeeper manager, floor supervisor and room cleaning staff. Statistics used in the data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the analysis of variance which the statistical analysis is estimated from completed statistical program.

The research findings were as follows: 1) Analyzing data on personal attributes, we found that most respondents had work experiences for 1-3 years and 10,001-15,000 baht of average monthly income 2) Respondents have a positive opinion on the success of their 5-star-hotel rooms which the overall answer were measured in the fair level of agreement. When considering each aspect, we found that there were all agree in every respect. In addition 3) a comparative analysis of the performance of room attendants in 5-star-hotel classified by work experience and average monthly income, we found that both overall and individual aspects were not statistically significant different at the 0.05

 Keyword: Operational Success, Room Attendant, 5-star-hotel, Housekeeping Department

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How to Cite
Kantvorarat, W. ., & Somrak, W. . (2019). COMPARISON OF OPERATIONAL SUCCESS FOR ROOM ATTENDANTS IN 5-STAR-HOTEL. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(1), 66–76. retrieved from


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