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Pansak Thaisit



             The research aimed; to study Administration in Accordance with Good Governance of Ayotaya Municipality ; to compare demographic factors; Sex, Age, Education level, profession, monthly income, that affected the application of the Good Governance Participate. This was quantitative research. Research samples were 500 local people residing in the jurisdiction of the Ayotaya Municipality. The research instrument was a 5- rating-scale questionnaire. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested by t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)

            The results suggest that Comments on the management principles of good governance of Ayotaya Municipality.  Overall and specific overall and specific at a high level. averaging descending order, the first three primary areas of accountability, the participation involved and  the accountability rule of law; demographic factors could significantly led to the difference in public opinion regarding good governance principles. There were a significant different at 0.05 level among towards the good governance administration, then accepted the hypothesis.   

 Key words: Good Governance, Ayotaya Municipality, Ayutthaya District, Ayutthaya Province

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How to Cite
Thaisit, P. . . (2019). ADMINISTRATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD GOVERNANCE OF AYOTAYA MUNICIPALITY, AYUTTHAYA DISTRICT, AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(1), 55–65. retrieved from


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