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อนุสรา มีเรือง
นรพล จินันท์เดช
อัมพล ชูสนุก
สมชาย นำประเสริฐชัย



The objectives of this research were to examine (1) the influence of the factors of service quality, tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy on the use of the container terminal management system (CTMS) of Bangkok port.  The researchers also study (2) the influence of factors on user satisfaction, service quality, and the use of the CTMS.  Finally, furthermore, the researchers investigate (3) the influence of factors on user net benefits, use, and user satisfaction of the CTMS.

            The researchers utilized a quantitative research method.  The research instrument was a questionnaire used to collect data from 201 CTMS users. Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researchers analyzed the data collected in terms of frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation.  Multiple regression analysis was also employed by the researchers.

Findings are (1) service quality in the dimension of tangible had positive and direct influence on system use; (2) service quality in the dimension of assurance had positive and direct influence on system use; (3) service quality in the dimension of empathy had positive and direct influence on system use; (4) service quality in the dimension of reliability had positive and direct influence on user satisfaction; (5) service quality in the dimension of responsiveness had positive and direct influence on user satisfaction; (6) service quality in the dimension of empathy had positive and direct influence on user satisfaction (7) system use had positive and direct influence on user net benefit (8) user satisfaction had positive and direct influence on user net benefit and (9) system used had positive and direct influence on user net benefit 

Keyword: Service Quality, Use, User Satisfaction, Net Benefits

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How to Cite
มีเรือง อ., จินันท์เดช น., ชูสนุก อ., & นำประเสริฐชัย ส. (2018). THE INFLUENCE OF THE SERVICE QUALITY ON SYSTEM USED, USER SATISFACTION, AND USER NET BENEFITS OF THE CONTAINER TERMINAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE BANGKOK PORT. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 226–237. retrieved from


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