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สุวิน ศรีเมือง



The objectives of this research were to study 1) six domains of parental involvement factors affecting an operation of the Preschool Child Development Center (PCDC) under the supervision of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, and 2) strategic approach in management of the PCDC for greater public involvement. The samples were parents who took their children to and returned from the PCDC school each day. Data collection was sampled from 254 parents, including 5 key informants by conducting purposive sampling, in-depth interview method. Research tools consisted of a questionnaire and in-depth interview questions. Statistics used in data analysis employed frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inductive analysis.

The results of the research revealed that the high domain of parental involvement. The next lower ranks of 5 domains were management and development, environment and safety, academics, resource acquisition, and land and building. In addition, the results obtained from data analysis were analyzed to formulate strategic approaches in the PCDC management. The researcher applied the questionnaire results to implement the in-depth interview questions with 5 key informants for inclusive and comparative analyses.  The results obtained were found that the PCDC had to focus on learning skill activities for children in collaboration with open opportunities for parental involvement in the PCDC’s public activities and festival events. 

Keyword: involvement factor, Preschool Child Development Center, parents, preschool children.

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How to Cite
ศรีเมือง ส. (2018). PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT FACTORS IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF THE PRE-SCHOOL CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER, NONGKHAEM BANGKOK. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 174–183. retrieved from


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