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สุนทรา โตบัว
พนิต เข็มทอง
วรัทยา ธรรมกิตติภพ



                    This study to evaluate the implementation of the strategic plan of the Department of Community Development, B.E. 2560-2564. Robert Stake's responsive evaluation model was used as a model for evaluation. Sample selection using multi-stage random sampling. Randomly selected provinces, districts, and villages  and  using purposive sampling the staff in the area and the people who were the target group of the projects including administrators and staff at the Department of community development. The results showed that all five projects are very efficient because the project was in accordance with the plan and people are very satisfied. The projects were effectiveness and pass the indicators criteria exceed 80% composed of the career community-based promotion program, Thai community market help Thai people smile program and human resources development project to drive the economy at the district level. The projects did not pass the criteria of effectiveness evaluation  because the project was in process. The impact of all projects had  more positive impact than negative. It was worth for social, economic and environmental. The suggestions of the evaluation were as follows. The project should be supported appropriately with the needs of each area under three support systems: knowledge, information systems and networking with participatory processes. Next research should be done to validate “A model for driving a strategic plan for community development”. 

Keywords: Strategic Plan, Community Development, Responsive Evaluation Model

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How to Cite
โตบัว ส., เข็มทอง พ., & ธรรมกิตติภพ ว. (2018). EVALUATION COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY PLAN TO PRACTICE WITH RESPONSIVE EVALUATION MODEL APPROACH. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 163–173. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/148698


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