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วรกมล บุณยโยธิน
ศรีวรรณ พรมกัณฑ์
พนิตนาฏ จักรเพชร



This research aimed to compare the learning achievements of students admitted with difference grounds i.e., direct or quota admission system and the central admission system and investigate the relationship between high school achievement scores and the achievement scores of students in occupational health and safety program, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University. The total of 242 students from the first to fourth year that enrollment in the 2017 academic year are the population of this research composed of 111 students from quota admission (45.9%) and 131 students from central admission system (54.1%). The secondary sources of data used in this study compose of the student profile and scores from the curriculum administration office. The data was analyzed with percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test statistic and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.

                    The research found that the learning achievement of 1st and 2nd year students from central admission system was statistical significantly higher than the quota admission students at 0.01 level but no difference were found in the achievement of 3th and 4th year student. It was found that the majority of students from central admission system had higher academic achievement in basic science and general education than the students from quota admission system with statistically significant at the 0.05 level. There was positive correlation at the low to medium level (r = 0.401-0.568) with the significant level of 0.05 between high school achievement scores and their achievement scores in the university. The results from this study can be used as a data for planning and determining of the student qualification for admission due to reduce the difference of student factors that may affect the learning achievement. There should be measures to improve the learning achievement of quota admission students such as basic science preparation course, e-learning system, tutor in special topic and the counseling system especially for 1st and 2nd year students. 

Keywords: Learning achievement, Admission system, Occupational Health and Safety Program

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How to Cite
บุณยโยธิน ว., พรมกัณฑ์ ศ., & จักรเพชร พ. (2018). DIFFERENT GROUNDS FOR ADMISSION: ITS EFFECT ON LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY STUDENTS, FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH, MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 138–149. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/148689


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