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ดวงดาว โยชิดะ
ชวลีย์ ณ ถลาง
สุทธินันทน์ พรหมสุวรรณ
สหนนท์ ตั้งเบญจสิริกุล



                This quantitative research purposed to study the travel market of Japanese elderly tourists towards expectation and satisfaction in traveling around Thailand. The questionnaire is the researching tool which is composed of 2 parts and the author used it to ask the 385 samples selected from the convenience sampling method. Statistics in this research consisted of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Statistics for hypothesis testing was Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

                According to the study, most respondents are female aged 60-64 years old. They graduated with the college degree and worked as a housewife with the average monthly salary at 200,000 Yen. They recognize Thailand through television media and have traveled to Thailand once, during July-September. The duration of traveling is 5-7 days and they traveled with their family. Most buy tour package and pay per once more than 150,000 yen. They want to return to travel in Thailand again. For the safety factor, this causes the problem in deciding to travel in Thailand of Japanese elderly tourists at the high level. Regarding each aspect, it was found that the tourists expect the price the most. Next are the physical environment, products and services, process, marketing promotion, staffs, and distribution, respectively. In terms of satisfaction, it was discovered that the overall is the high level. Considering every aspect, Japanese elderly tourists feel satisfied with the price the most. Next are products and services, staffs, physical environment, distribution, process, and marketing promotion, respectively. The tourist market that Japanese elderly tourists anticipate positively relates to the satisfaction of traveling in Thailand with statistical significance at 0.000. 

Keyword: Expectation, satisfaction, Japanese elderly tourists, Thailand

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How to Cite
โยชิดะ ด., ณ ถลาง ช., พรหมสุวรรณ ส., & ตั้งเบญจสิริกุล ส. (2018). EXPECTATION AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS THE TRAVEL IN THAILAND OF JAPANESE ELDERLY TOURISTS. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 127–137. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/148679


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